our courses
Royal Collection Studies
Royal Collection Studies 2025
31 August – 9 September 2025
The Royal Collection is one of the world’s leading collections of fine and decorative art, with over one million works from six continents, many of them masterpieces. Working in partnership with The Royal Collection Trust, this ten-day residential course offers participants the opportunity to study the magnificent holdings of paintings, furniture, metalwork, porcelain, jewellery, sculpture, arms and armour, books and works on paper and to examine the architecture and interiors of the palaces which house them.
Based near Windsor, the course also examines the history of the collection and the key roles played by monarchs and their consorts over the centuries. Combining a mixture of lectures and tutorials, visits to both the occupied and unoccupied palaces in and around London and close-up object study, Royal Collection Studies aims to give experienced professionals in the heritage sector a deeper understanding of this remarkable collection.
The course is intended to be interactive, with participants asked to contribute and participate in group discussions. As with all Attingham courses, the group is encouraged to engage with current curatorial debates, questions of display and interpretation and, in this instance, the issues surrounding a working collection. During the course, members find that they build an invaluable network for the ongoing exchange of ideas and expertise.
Royal Collection Studies is organised on broadly chronological principles, developing an understanding of the changing function and character of the British Royal Collection. The course is held when the Royal Family is not in residence and Windsor Castle is the central focus. The programme explores palaces past and present and five centuries of collecting and display, covering all aspects of the collection.
Established in 1996, Royal Collection Studies is organised by The Attingham Trust on behalf of The Royal Collection Trust. The course is directed by Dr Helen Jacobsen, and lecturers and tutors include the Director and senior curators of The Royal Collection Trust, Historic Royal Palaces, and other key specialists. Past participants have come from all over the world and include museum and historic palace directors and curators, heritage site managers, decorative arts specialists, conservators, academics and architects. Some scholarship assistance is available.
Course Director, Royal Collection Studies
Course Coordinator, Royal Collection Studies
The cost of the course is £4,650. This includes accommodation, breakfast, dinner and most lunches. Tuition, admissions, guide-books and travel by private coach during the course are also included. Participants stay at Cumberland Lodge, a former Royal residence situated in Windsor Great Park and now a comfortable and well-equipped conference centre. All bedrooms are for single occupancy and have en-suite facilities.
The deadline for applications is Friday 14 February 2025. All candidates will be notified by the end of March 2025 if they have been awarded a place. The full fee is payable no later than Wednesday 30 April 2025 and payment should be made by bank transfer. Participants are strongly advised to insure against cancellation as no refunds will be made following payment, unless the place can be filled by another suitable candidate. In such a case, an administrative fee of £150 will be applied.
Scholarships for applicants from other countries other than the USA and Australia
Applicants who are unable to meet the fees are first encouraged to approach their institutions for full or partial financial assistance before applying for the course. Some scholarship funding through The Attingham Trust is available thanks to the generous support of various individuals and charitable foundations. Any candidate wishing to apply for a scholarship must complete the scholarship application at the bottom of the application form and provide details of his/her current salary.
Any queries can be directed to Beatrice Goddard:
Scholarships for applicants from the USA
US Applicants seeking scholarship support should apply directly to the American Friends of Attingham using their specific scholarship form, available online at: www.americanfriendsofattingham.org/courses/royal-collections
Scholarships for applicants from Australia
For applicants from Australia seeking scholarships, please refer to: www.coplandfoundation.com.au by Thursday 28 November 2024.
Please note that The Attingham Trust is a registered educational charity. Our courses are provided occasionally, on a not-for-profit basis and to a limited group of participants. This trip does not, therefore, constitute a ‘package holiday’ for the purpose of the Package Travel Regulations
The Attingham Trust reserves the right to adjust fees if there is a substantial change in the exchange rate, as these were assessed on the basis of assumptions made in October 2024. Should this prove to be necessary, members will be informed by April 2025.
RCIN 922184 Charles Wild (1781-1835) Carlton House- The Blue Velvet Room c. 1816, Watercolour
Royal Collection Trust © His Majesty King Charles III 2024