The Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture & Cambridge Architectural History Seminars invites you to a symposium in honour of Richard Hewlings. Through his work as an Investigator of Historic Buildings at the Department of the Environment (DoE), Inspector of Ancient Monuments for the Historic Building Council (HBC, later English Heritage) and numerous local authorities, longstanding editor of The Georgian Group Journal, and author of over one hundred publications on a staggering range of topics, Richard’s contribution to English architectural scholarship of the Early Modern period has been tremendous and worthy of celebration. His knowledge of post-Medieval English architecture is unrivalled.

This event will take place in person at Downing College on Friday 15th March from 9.30 am- 7.00 pm and will host a gathering of scholars whose careers have been inspired by Richard’s work. Through a series of ‘Notes & Queries,’ they will offer new revelations in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century British architectural history. It is hoped that this event will mirror Richard’s own approach to our discipline – one that combines deep erudition, serious discussion, and very good humour. Registration and programme information, including list of speakers presenting, can be found here